Don’t have nightmares, a poem by Daniel J. McLaughlin


About half an hour before my performance at the Old Pint Pot open mic night, I was challenged by one of my fellow performers to compose a Hallowe’en-themed poem. My writing process tends to be quite quick, but the turnaround for this poem was the speediest I have ever written.

On All Hallow’s Eve, I thought I would share ‘Don’t have nightmares’. I have published the original effort in full, so you can see the raw version performed on the night. The metre is slightly off, the structure is a bit skew whiff, and it certainly needs refinement – but here it is:

‘Don’t have nightmares’, a poem by Daniel J. McLaughlin

We’re approaching All Hallow’s Eve

Veil to the spirit world growing thinner

Entrance of ghosts, for those who believe

Potential to be a werewolf’s dinner

The ghouls are out tonight

Spectres haunting the world of men

But nothing gives me more of a fright

Than Boris Johnson in Number 10!


Is there anything scarier?


Well, I suppose there’s always witches

Conjuring up their wicked spells

Foul potions and evil wishes

Summoning demons from Hell

Black magic and dark voodoo

Uttering a twisted curse

Incantations aimed at you

Then again, I think Brexit is worse!


On the other hand, a vampire

Could be thirsty for my blood

Dracula stalks me, never tires

Or zombies bursting from the mud

With a lust for my tasty brains

Ready to bite, taking a chunk

Staggering, hungry, no refrain

Actually, no, shudders, there’s Donald Trump!


Other things could give me the heebie-jeebies more, though…


Freddy Krueger could be in my dreams

Or I see Jason appear in my view

I could be Drew Barrymore in Scream

Or chosen as Jigsaw’s select few

A poltergeist, The Exorcist

Starring in creepy horror stories

Forget that, the biggest jump scare is

Another decade of the bloody Tories!


No one can conjure the spookiest frights

Or create creatures causing such strife

As we celebrate Hallowe’en night

Nothing is scarier than real life

Monsters can’t compare to humans

The cruelest monsters ever seen

On this third rock from the sun

Where every day is Hallowe’en


I hope I haven’t given you a scare

Do sleep well, and don’t have nightmares!


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